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Showing posts from December, 2016

2016 Year in Review Survey

Well friends. It's been 10 months since I blogged last. Sigh. But during that time, I moved back across the country, started a new job as an elementary school librarian, and tried not to get disheartened by the state of America. I also did read quite a bit. So I'm pumped to share my year in review with you. As with the last couple years, I'm using Perpetual Page Turner 's survey. Jamie is so incredible and amazing and she inspires me to keep blogging (even when I take an accidental 10 month vacation.) Number Of Books You Read: 132 Number of Re-Reads: 14 Genre You Read The Most From: Not entirely sure, but going to assume YA Fantasy 1. Best Book You Read In 2016? (If you have to cheat — you can break it down by genre if you want or 2013 release vs. backlist)  Oh man, I read so many good books this year! But possibly Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War  or Anne-Marie McLemore's The Weight of Feathers  or Brian K. Vaughn's Paper Girls . 2....