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Showing posts from November, 2014
Another Top Ten Tuesday here brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish . This week's topic is... Top Ten Sequels I'm Dying to Read 1. Winner's Crime ( and since I've already read that one, Winner's Trilogy #3) : Like, okay, the first book was good ,but wow that second book. I want to talk about it to other people!! 2. The Winds of Winter: Desperately need to find out what happens to all my favorite characters. I NEED MORE GEORGE. 3. Dark House #2: The first book left so much open to continue! I want to know what happens! 4. The Retribution of Mara Dyer: I totally have this one, I just need to read it! 5. Saints: This is another one that I have but haven't read yet.  6. Rose Under Fire: I read Code Name Verity a couple months ago, and I need to read the companion novel. 7. Hawkeye Vol 2 : I loved the first collection. I need to get to the second. 8. One Tiny Lie: I really enjoyed Ten Tiny Breaths, and I'm getting to th...

Why couldn't it be you?

Hello Lovelies! Another week, another Top Ten Tuesday, brought to you as always by The Broke and the Bookish .  This week's topic is... Top Ten Characters I Wish Had Their Own Book Miss Honey from Matilda. : Her story is really flushed out for the movie, but can you imagine a book about her trials growing up and then her becoming a teacher to help kids like her? So good. Wren from Fangirl : What's it like growing up knowing you're the second half of a name? And what about life made her desert the Simon Snow world?  Any of the ghosts from Liv, Forever: The snippets we got from them weren't enough. I want to know their whole story!! Alice from The Magicians.: This might have been much more interesting of a story for me if the protagonist was female. I couldn't stand Quentin. But maybe gender has nothing to do with it since even Martin Chatwin's story would have been a billion times more interesting to me. Marlee from The Selection : Marlee'...
Welcome to the rest of my book review round-up for this last month! I have no idea how I got so behind on these, but holy cow, it got bad there. I promise to try to never let it get this backed up again. Here's the rest of what I'm been reading lately! No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale : This was a hard one for me. I originally wanted to read it pretty much just based on its cover, but then I found out it came from James Frey's writer sweatshop, so then I didn't want to read it, but I eventually caved. Morals? What morals? And then the day that I finished this I heard about Hale's disastrous PR fail of stalking a blogger. Which is not what I want to talk about here. I just want to focus on the book. And it was okay at best. She seems to make fun of a lot of what it seems she perceives as insincerity of Minnesotan kindness. I just don't know how I feel about it over all. I found Kippy pretty obnoxious as a character. Her entire town seemed really ...