Another Top Ten Tuesday here brought to you by The Broke and the Bookish . This week's topic is... Top Ten Sequels I'm Dying to Read 1. Winner's Crime ( and since I've already read that one, Winner's Trilogy #3) : Like, okay, the first book was good ,but wow that second book. I want to talk about it to other people!! 2. The Winds of Winter: Desperately need to find out what happens to all my favorite characters. I NEED MORE GEORGE. 3. Dark House #2: The first book left so much open to continue! I want to know what happens! 4. The Retribution of Mara Dyer: I totally have this one, I just need to read it! 5. Saints: This is another one that I have but haven't read yet. 6. Rose Under Fire: I read Code Name Verity a couple months ago, and I need to read the companion novel. 7. Hawkeye Vol 2 : I loved the first collection. I need to get to the second. 8. One Tiny Lie: I really enjoyed Ten Tiny Breaths, and I'm getting to th...