Hello Lovelies!!
It's been a crazy couple days for me, so I'm running a little behind schedule. So here's Top Ten Thursday! You all might remember TTT as hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, well Top Ten Thursday is literally the same but just hosted by my inability to get it posted on Tuesday.
So for your persual: My Top Ten Gateway Books!
1. Gateway to Sci-Fi
2. Gateway to Adult Fantasy (Round One)
3. Gateway to Adult Fantasy (Round Two)
4. Gateway to Reading as Adventure
5. Gateway to Reading as Obsession
6. Gateway to Redevotion to Reading
7. Gateway to Zombie books (possible Zombie books??)
8. Gateway to Graphic Novels
9. Gateway to Middle Grade (as an adult)
10. Gateway to Paranormal Romance
I'm sure I could come up with several more gateway books but these definitely stick out to me in some way or another. What do you think lovelies? What books were your gateway?
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