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Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant is the concluding novel in the Divergent triology. Therefore, there will be some spoilers in my review. Actually, there will be a lot of spoilers in this review. Because I have a lot of feelings and a lot of things to say. So skip to the end if you don't want any spoilers.

I'm actually not entirely sure how I felt about Allegiant. Like Roth threw a major curveball in this novel, and it's been almost 24 hours since I finished it, and I'm still not sure how I felt about it.

So in Allegiant, we find out that this entire world we've grown to love in Divergent and Insurgent is a total lie. It's a genetic purity experiment. And I guess part of my problem with this curveball is that I don't think that's how it would go. On one hand, it reminded me of Haddix's Running Out of Time where the main character also finds out her world's a lie (which I LOVE. That book is one of my favorites from my youth). On the other hand though, I just don't think it's realistic. I think that people are not as good as that. I think it would end up being a lot more like the Holocaust again. Which I guess Roth does imply sort of happens--we decimate our population down to nothing before they start these experiments. But frankly, I think Tris is right in thinking that genetics doesn't explain behavior.

As to the ending, I actually rather liked it. Don't get me wrong, I cried so much. I hate when love is broken by circumstances outside of their own control. It was very upsetting, but it was so in character. Tris loves people around her. She wants to demonstrate her love in a tangible way. And she's someone who can think of the big picture outside of her own life. It's tragic but also wonderful. I really appreciate Roth's blogpost on the matter. I think even if you don't like the ending, you can appreciate what Roth was attempting to do.

My favorite quote:
I wonder if this is how it is with all evil men, that to someone, they look just like good men, talk like good men, are just as likeable as good men.

Over all, I appreciated the ending to the series, although I still feel a little ambivalent about the third book in general. Rating of three cupcakes!

Have any of you read Allegiant? What did you think of it?


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