Cress by Marissa Meyer is the fantastic third installment in The Lunar Chronicles. Here's a gif of how I felt reading the last 100 pages or so... UGHHHH. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR WINTER???? As Meyer demonstrated in the last Lunar Chronicle book (Scarlet), she's fantastic as incorporating new characters into this story line without losing track of the others. I love Cress and I think Cress reacts to situations very in character aka like someone who's spent the last seven years of her life on a satellite. And I love how Meyer used the foundations of the original Rapunzel tale but morphed them to fit into the universe she's been building. I can't wait for Winter to come out. In 2015. Sigh. I know there are people who don't enjoy this series, but I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't. I've been recommending it to everyone. Prequel / Sequel Challenge Points: 52 points + 2 = 54 points!