Seriously guys. Marissa Meye's Cinder is so good. I realize I'm like a trillion years behind on this band wagon (or like two years but that's like a trillion in book land), but if you're like me and you haven't read this one yet, get on it! This is a fantastic retelling of Cinderella, but it's also so much more than that. Let me break it down for you.
1. This is a four book set and although each book appears to focus on a different character, it doesn't leave the other characters behind. In fact, Cinder's story isn't finished in the first book.
2. This definitely veers sci-fi over fantasy. I guess the cyborg part should have given that a way, but I was still struck by how sci-fi it was. Cause I usually don't read much sci-fi, but this one is amazing.
3. This is set in the future in New Beijing. And although Meyer doesn't come out and say it, I think it's pretty safe to say that all (or most) of the characters are Asian (and I say Asian intentionally because the world has narrowed down to 7 countries: the United Kingdom, the European Federation, the African Union, the American Republic, Australia and the Commonwealth of Asia.
Let me point out to all you wonderful fan artists out there that I would love to see some with actual Asian characters!! It'd be sweet.
4. Meyer's writing pulls you in. I didn't make any notations of specific quotes, but that's because I was entirely engrossed by the story line. It just grabbed me and I had to hit the ground running with it. I literally finished this book within 24 hours because I couldn't put it down.
Overall, this book is so good. I've already started Scarlet and I can't wait to read Cress and Winter.
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